Russia-Ukraine war a testing lab of weapons by countries .


Russia-Ukraine war a testing lab of weapons by countries 

The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine has been a testing ground for various military technologies and weapons systems from different countries. Both sides have used this opportunity to test and showcase their military capabilities, as well as to gather valuable battlefield experience and data. 

On the Russian Side, advanced weapons systems such as the T-14 Armata tank  the Su-57 stealth fighter, and the 9M729 cruise missile,T-72 tank and BMP3 armored fighting vehicles and Mi8 and Ka-52 helicopters have been used in the conflict. Russia has also used the conflict as an opportunity to test its electronic warfare capabilities and develop new tactics for using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in combat. Kalibr Missile– which can be triggered from Submarines, Aircraft and Ships, – being used against Kyiv and  southern port city of Odesa as per few reports.

On the Ukrainian side, the military has used the conflict to test and develop its own weapons systems, including the Oplot-M main battle tank and the An-70 transport aircraft. They have also used the conflict to improve their anti-tank, anti-aircraft and artillery capabilities.

Australia, Canada and the US are senders of advanced M777 Howitzers, Turkey has provided Ukraine with Bayraktar TB2 UAVs and has been using them in the conflict.UK providing Challenger 2 tanks, Germany IRIS-T air defense system, US HIMARS Rocket System .

Other countries like Spain, Germany, Finland, Sweden, Nordic countries including Ukraine’s neighbor's-Baltic States, Central and Eastern Europe, Belgium, Netherlands, Greece, Italy  have also used the conflict as an opportunity to test and showcase their weapons systems.

Overall, the Russia-Ukraine war has served as a valuable testing ground for different countries to test and showcase their military technologies and weapons systems, and has provided valuable data and experience for future military operations.


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