Digitization, Empowerment, Awareness among Indian Youths and Digital India.


  Everything should be available at the tip of one's finger, from the latest science to the latest technology.

Three pillars of Digital India are Digital Infrastructure Creation, Digital Delivery of Services and Digital Literacy. Giving base to Indian youths for Digitization, Empowerment and Awareness.

According to a study by the Internet and Mobile Association of India ( IAMAI ) , the number of internet users in India has grown from 357 million ( 27% of total population) in 2017 to over 840 million ( 60 %total population) in 2022 and to have around 900 millions by 2025.

This shows a significant increase in the number of young people who have access to the internet and, therefore, the ability to access information and communicate with others.

The rise of social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram has also had a significant impact on the way young people communicate and connect with others. Social media has enabled young people to stay in touch with friends and family, even when they are physically distant. It has also provided a platform for young people to share their thoughts and ideas with a broader audience.

The democratization of information and the ability to connect with others has enabled young people to be more informed and engaged citizens. It has provided them with new opportunities to share their thoughts and ideas with a broader audience.

  • Digitization has led to concerns about the impact on youth employment, as automation and artificial intelligence may displace jobs traditionally done by humans and also led to the rise of the gig economy, where young people can work flexibly and have more control over their work-life balance.

    • Overall, digitization has had a significant impact on the lives of Indian youth, providing them with new opportunities and access to information. Still, it is essential to also address the challenges and potential negative impacts it can have on their lives.

Cons: A study by the Indian Council for Child Welfare ( ICCW ) found that 30% of Indian children have experienced problems with cyberbullying.

Potential for addiction to digital devices and social media. Studies have shown that excessive use of social media can lead to feelings of anxiety, depression, and loneliness and can also negatively impact sleep and academic performance.


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