Google AI ‘Sparrow’ Killer of ChatGPT to Unveil Soon ; All You Need To Know


Google AI ‘Sparrow’

Could Sparrow perform similarly or better than ChatGPT ?

OpenAI's unveiling of ChatGPT resulted in claims that it could potentially compete with Google, causing panic and resulting in reports of Google declaring "Code Red." Despite skepticism, some experts believe ChatGPT could potentially displace Google, similar to how previous online services such as Netscape Navigator and Geocities have become obsolete.

Amidst the media frenzy and internet jokes, Google was preparing for something big. Its in-house AI laboratory, 'DeepMind', is a leading player in creating the most advanced artificial intelligence technology to date. The search engine giant has been maintaining a low profile and keeping quiet, perhaps enjoying the buzz surrounding it.

Reports suggest that DeepMind is on the verge of launching "Sparrow" to counteract the increasing popularity of ChatGPT, following the news of its integration with Microsoft's Bing. This marks the beginning of the AI apocalypse, where we will become casualties. Sparrow is considered to be a more mature version of ChatGPT, as it will provide links to its sources for greater credibility. However, it seems that the next version of ChatGPT and other small AI startups are already incorporating these features.

Reports indicate that DeepMind is considering releasing "Sparrow" to compete with the growing popularity of ChatGPT, following news of its integration with Microsoft's Bing. This is the beginning of an AI showdown, where the outcome could be catastrophic. "Sparrow" is seen as a more mature version of ChatGPT and is expected to be an upgrade as it will have the ability to verify its source of information for authenticity. However, it's worth noting that ChatGPT and other small AI startups are already working on these features.

Google is a potential contender to ChatGPT as it has already developed large language models for dialogue, including LaMDA and Flamingo, before OpenAI's successful product. By the end of 2020, Google had already created a chatbot named Meena that was capable of having meaningful conversations with humans. Despite this, the company has not yet brought this research to market. According to Google's own statements, this is primarily due to security concerns, although there could be other factors at play.

Deepmind's CEO, Demis Hassabis, has informed Time that Deepmind's chatbot, Sparrow, is expected to enter a "private beta" phase later in the year. This is a significant development, as Deepmind has primarily operated as an AI research institute until now, producing technologies that are later integrated into Google's consumer products

In September 2022, Deepmind introduced Sparrow as its latest chatbot. Like ChatGPT, Sparrow is trained using human feedback, which Deepmind claims makes it more reliable, accurate, and safe. Additionally, Sparrow has access to the Internet through Google, allowing it to incorporate up-to-date information into its responses. As reported by Time, during the planned beta phase, the chatbot will provide additional sources that support its answers.

Sparrow is based on Deepmind's Chinchilla language model, which has been trained with a large amount of data but has fewer parameters than OpenAI's largest models. The Chinchilla language model, introduced in April 2022, outperformed GPT-3 in common language benchmarks. On the other hand, ChatGPT is based on the more advanced GPT version 3.5.

Despite these differences, there is reason to believe that Sparrow could perform similarly or better than ChatGPT. Furthermore, Google has additional, more advanced language models, such as PaLM, in its arsenal.


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