World-wetlands-day :2 February 2023


World wetlands day, 2 febuary.
'It's time for wetland restoration'-2023 

Currently over 2,400 Ramsar sites around the world. They cover over 2.5 million square kilometres, an area larger than Mexico.

Bolivia, with around 148,000 square kilometres (57,000 sq mi) biggest in world.

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World Wetlands Day is celebrated on February 2nd each year to raise awareness about the importance of wetlands and the need to protect them. Wetlands are areas of land that are saturated with water, either permanently or seasonally. They include marshes, swamps, bogs, and fens, as well as rivers, lakes, and even underground aquifers.

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Wetlands play a vital role in maintaining the health of our planet. They act as natural water filters, removing pollutants and sediment from water and protecting against flooding. They also provide habitat for a wide variety of plant and animal species, many of which are endangered or threatened.

Despite their importance, wetlands are often viewed as wastelands and are drained, filled, and developed for human use. As a result, wetland habitats have been dramatically reduced in recent years. In the 20th century, an estimated 50% of wetlands in the U.S. and 70% of wetlands in Europe were destroyed.

World Wetlands Day was established in 1971 by the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance, also known as the Ramsar Convention. The convention, which was signed in Ramsar, Iran, in 1971, is an intergovernmental treaty that provides a framework for the conservation and wise use of wetlands.

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The theme for World Wetlands Day changes each year, but the overall goal is to raise awareness about the importance of wetlands and the need to protect them. For example, the theme for 2020 was "Wetlands and Biodiversity." This theme highlighted the vital role that wetlands play in maintaining biodiversity, as well as the importance of wetlands in providing habitat for a wide variety of plant and animal species.

To mark World Wetlands Day, various events and activities are organized around the world, such as bird watching, guided tours, and educational programs. Many organizations, such as the Ramsar Convention, also use the occasion to release publications and reports on the state of wetlands around the world.

Governments and organizations also use World Wetlands Day as an opportunity to make commitments to protect and restore wetlands. For example, in 2020, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) announced that it would work with partners to protect and restore 25 million hectares of wetlands by 2030.

Save Wetlands : Save Planet 
It is important to note that wetlands aren't just found in remote, natural areas. They also exist in urban areas, such as city parks, golf courses, and even roadside ditches. These urban wetlands play a critical role in managing Rain/storm water, reducing flooding, and improving water quality.

 World Wetlands Day is an important occasion that raises awareness about the importance of wetlands and the need to protect them. Despite their vital role in maintaining the health of our planet, wetlands are often viewed as wastelands and are drained, filled, and developed for human use. It is crucial that we take action to protect and restore wetlands, and celebrate World Wetlands Day is a reminder of the importance of these vital ecosystems.


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