Quick earning via facebook:Top Facebook ads list


Facebook ads List

Facebook Ads is an advertising platform of  Facebook which aims in promoting products and services through ads of text or publications, image or video. It is a marketing channel  used by companies due to its large audience (about 2,200 million people) and its great possibilities of segmentation

  • Sponsored posts: These are posts that businesses pay to have displayed in users' news feeds. These can include text, images, videos, and links to the business's website.

  • Display ads: These are banner ads that appear in the right-hand column of the Facebook website. They can include text, images, and videos.

  • Video ads: These are video ads that can appear in users' news feeds or in the right-hand column of the Facebook website. They can be up to 15 seconds long.

  • Carousel ads: These allow businesses to showcase multiple images or videos within a single ad, users can scroll through the carousel to see the different products or services being advertised.

  • Collection ads: These allow businesses to showcase multiple products or services within a single ad. Users can click on the ad to view the full collection and make a purchase.

  • Story ads: These ads that appear in the Stories feature of Facebook, Instagram, and other apps in the Facebook family.

  • Lead generation ads: These are ads that are designed to generate leads for a business. They can include a form that users can fill out to request more information or sign up for a newsletter.

  • Dynamic product ads: These are ads that are tailored to individual users based on their browsing history and other data.

  • Slideshow ads: These are short videos that play automatically, but with less data usage, this ad format is great for mobile users.

  • Messenger ads: These are ads that appear within the Facebook Messenger app, allowing businesses to reach users where they are most likely to be engaged.

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