Facebook and Indian youth on politics


Social Media giant Facebook and Indian youth on politics

Facebook has become a popular platform for Indian youth to engage with politics and stay informed about current events. According to a survey by the Pew Research Center, around 75% of Indian internet users aged 18-29 use Facebook, making it one of the most popular social media platforms among this demographic.

Narendra Modi – 44.4 Million Fans. The leader of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) ranking on Top and about 67% are youths.

One of the ways that Indian youth are using Facebook to engage with politics is by following and engaging with political leaders and parties. Many political leaders and parties have active Facebook pages where they share updates and information about their campaigns and policies. Indian youth are also using Facebook to participate in online political discussions and debates, both within political groups and on their own timelines.

Another way that Indian youth are using Facebook to engage with politics is by sharing and consuming news. The platform has become a major source of news for many young Indians, with many turning to Facebook to stay informed about current events and political developments. However, this also raises concerns about the spread of misinformation and fake news on the platform.

Additionally, Facebook has also become a tool for political mobilization, with many youth-led movements and campaigns using the platform to organize and mobilize supporters. This is particularly true for youth-led movements like the "Farmers protest" in India where the youth are using Facebook to share information and coordinate actions.

Overall, Facebook has become an important platform for Indian youth to engage with politics and stay informed about current events. However, there are also concerns about the spread of misinformation and the potential for the platform to be used for political manipulation. It is important for Facebook to take steps to address these concerns and ensure that the platform is being used in a responsible and ethical manner.

Sharing thoughts, Knowledge and Information .

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